Submit your listing today!
MNIBA's new "Buy Native" business directory is open to all Native/Indigenous entrepreneurs, professionals, artists, social enterprises, nonprofits, tribal colleges and Tribal Governments, throughout the U.S.
The new directory is a hub for Native business linking customers and procurment staff looking to #BuyNative.
Submitting your listing
MNIBA's directory makes registering and managing listings easy. The process is streamlined and easier than ever to both submit your listing as well as manage one or more listings from one account.
Choose one of our 3 subscription options and you're on your way to registering your first listing!
Step 1
Picking a subscription is the first and an important step in registering your listing.
MNIBA is offering special "launch pricing rates" for paid subscriptions. Whether you want to include a video in your listing to really stand out or just want to list your contact information MNIBA offers the right package for your needs.
Step 2
Now you'll select any and all categories that you think best fit your organization. If you think we're missing a category feel free to reach out to and we'll be happy to help!
Step 3
Here's where you'll enter all of your organization's information.
Starting with contact information for your organization. If you plan on having multiple listings we recommend the contact information being specific to the location you're listing.
You'll also write a little bit about your organization to help users learn more.
Finally, you'll add location information. If you don't see your city/state in the drop down, send us an email at and we'll help get your city added!
Step 4
For premium subscriptions you'll be given the option to add a video to your listing as well as include any promotions you'd like to share with users visiting your listing.
Step 5
The last part of your form submission will be the uploads section.
MNIBA accepts Tribally issued ID’s, Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood (CDIB) as proof of Native citizenship for Native-owned businesses, Native artists, or Native professionals.
Your logo helps your listing stand out. We recommend sizing your logo to 350px by 250px. This helps us display your logo consistently across display locations. If you use a transparent background and have a light font, we recommend adding a background to your logo to improve visibility and accessibility.
Once you've verified all your information is entered correctly complete the reCAPTCHA and Terms and Conditions; then click continue.
Step 6
Next we'll create an account, or login to a pre-existing account. Your account is where you'll be able to manage your listing. Whether you need to update your web address or your street address you can handle it from here.
After you've linked your listing with your account you're ready to submit your listing for review!
Final steps
For premium listings you'll be directed to use our payment order to complete your listing.
When you click pay now you'll be taken to the final review page where you'll verify all your information is correct.
If the information is correct click the link to be redirected to our payment gateway. There you will select your subscription package and submit payment.
What now?
We review every listing submitted to ensure all listings meet the guidelines of this program. When you submit your listing you can expect a response in 1-2 business days. If we require more information to review we'll reach out, if not we'll let you know you've been approved and welcome you to our community.
For more information about what our directory can do for you, check out our page on what your listing owner account can do for you!
Our impact
Artists, Entrepreneurs, and Organizations Served
Volunteer hours
Community Reach
Funds Raised